Saturday, August 22, 2015

Why Should We Care About Chris McCandless?

I think we should care about Chris McCandless and his fate because he is a human being and all humans deserve to be cared for and loved. Chris is a bright and very smart person, he has many talents and is very well disciplined and also is well educated. Based on the book, I am sure he didn't come from an indigent family but his father,Walt seems to be someone who spoke to Chris in a very strident tone. He is very passionate about his feelings and how he pursues them and he didn't seem to be ambivalent. He has a view about life that I can relate with on many different levels, and he lives the way he wants to and doesn't conform to the everyday style and routine of life like everyone else seems to just fall into these days. Personally, I found myself relating to Chris a lot during this book. He can be considered to be a normal person but he doesn't want to just go with the flow and routine of things. Holding onto such a great conjecture for ages, the astute man finally went into the wild. He does things that satisfies his dreams and does them to the best of his abilities and that is good enough for him. Throughout his endeavors, he doesn't have a set plan, he is just going about and doing them as it happens. He doesn't rush things or do them the easy way, that's why he burns all his money because it has no value in the wilderness. There are thousands of people like Chris. There is nothing that really sets him aside from them, other than he died of his poorly made decisions. His family still mourns and fells sorrowful for him and wish they could have provided succor for him but before they could find him, death had already taken him away. He was not prepared for his journey and the corollary of this was his death. Chris lived a wonderful life, a life that many can't or wouldn't want to live. He has provided an endemic of people who respect and want to learn his reasons for going "Into the Wild".

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